20 November 2008

Who Needs Pockets?

I thought this was too cool.


Lynda Meyers said...

Nuclear plant? Which one? What do you do there?

Funny, only because my husband also works at a nuclear plant. He noticed that comment and asked me about who you were. He comes to Atlanta a couple times a year to work with INPO teams so was just wondering if perhaps he'd met you.

It really is a small world!

Hope you and your family had a great holiday weekend!


Crotalus said...

Madison, I work at Plant Hatch. I'm a chemistry technician there. A newbie-only 3 years in. Started my career over when the pharmaceutical manufacturing plant I had worked at for 8 years was closed (Merck's Flint River plant in Albany Ga). Anywho, we just had an INPO visit last month. So yep, small world.