06 October 2009


So Arby's is advertising bobble-head super heroes with their kid's meals.  Whatever.  You get this cardboard piece of crap that you have to assemble.  Make sure you reinforce the fold in tabs with scotch tape or they just fall apart.  We went tonight and got the Martian Manhunter bobble-head.  I spent about thirty minutes putting two of them together.  They will be waiting for the boys at the breakfast table in the morning and will likely be tore up before breakfast is over.

Why is it that every way I turn, it seems that the world is just getting cheaper and cheaper?

 Behold, the Just-a-piece-a-crap League.

I'm going to bed now.


Big Philly D at work not working said...

Where's the "Justice"?

Cullen said...

Well, it is DC.

Crotalus said...

Phil, nice one. Cullen, good point.