23 October 2009

Page Four

I'm putting this up while still incomplete.  (No shading yet.)  I've been busy this week, end of soccer season, cub scout meeting, church; thus the dearth of posts.  Maybe it'll get better once night shift is over too.

About the comic: I was surprised at how much work goes into even a simple attempt.  I now understand why you need a team to get these things out in a timely manner.  (It probably helps too if that's your chosen profession and you have the luxury of it being your only one.)  Anyway, I'm beginning to see the artwork evolve a little, and I think it's finding its style.  So far I like it, but I'm anxious to get to page five and beyond, when the conflict begins (villains!).

I've written out the plot for the whole first issue; it's just a matter of getting it drawn, etc.  Page five is inked, so maybe I can get it colored soon.



Lynda Meyers said...

These look great John! Keep it up! Many, countless writers and artists have squeezed in their creative time around jobs and family responsibilities in order to produce the amazing works we enjoy today!

Don't give up!! It's gonna be worth it all!

Crotalus said...

Thanks Madison,

I've heard the mantra 'Don't quit your day job' from most folks who have hit the big time. Right now I'm just doing something for the boys and having fun with it. Thanks for the encouragement!