08 November 2009

I found it!

I've been looking for a novel that I started writing and for the longest time could only find chapter one.  I just knew I had lost it forever, but then I remembered:

I set up a google account when I started this blog.  I also sent my writings to myself via email so that I would always be able to get to them.

If only I had remembered that I'd done this, I could've saved myself a lot of worry.  I mean I've been looking for those pages for over a year!  Duh.  Now that I've found it, I may get started on it again.  It's a time travel novel about a Retro-assassin that is given the mission of precluding the existence of Jesus Christ.  I've gotten a good 17 K words down (4 chapters), about fifteen percent of what I estimate the final length to be (yes, I do outline a plot in advance--Stephen King is lying when he says he doesn't).  I also strongly suspect that some of my other missing works are waiting for me in the saved folder.

ANYWAY, I'm pretty relieved and excited.  Now let me go refresh myself.


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