26 November 2009

Page Seven

This one took a while to get up.  I'm working 12 hr days right now, and we've also been out of town.  But I'm thrilled to report that all but one page has been inked.  Coloring is what takes so long, but to have only one more to draw... man I can't wait.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Lynda Meyers said...


My youngest son recently suffered a brain injury. We found out he has a large cyst in his brain and he can no longer do contact sports or anything that risks him hitting his head.

He is 12 and LOVES to work with animation programs. Wants to take a drawing class but also recently bought Animation-ish and is making stuff online with it. Any suggestions on programs for him to try?


Crotalus said...


I wish I could make a lot of useful suggestions for animation/comic book software, but my own knowledge of software is sorely lacking. On the other hand, the availability of comic book software specifically seems to be lacking as well. As far as motion animation goes, I have absolutely no idea, since I have never even tried that. As for comic book drawing I can say that the only thing I can find along those lines specifically is 'Comic Book Creator' which came out in 2005, which makes it a bit dated. It seems there is not a more recent version, either.

Other than dropping a ton of bucks on Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, I use Photoshop Elements. I do the drawing old school, by hand... pencilling and inking. Then I scan them and do the coloring with Elements. It's a bit painstaking, but it's the best I can manage right now. If your son is very software savvy the book 'Hi-Fi Color for Comics' details how to do what I'm talking about. It's how I've gotten started, and I've found that the closer I stick to how the author tells me to do it, the quicker I get to where I want to be.

Sorry, I couldn't be of more help,
