31 December 2007

When people use their gifts

My wife and I attended a concert at her mother's church this weekend. A friend of ours, Cathy Perry, was performing. It was a great show. It always does my heart good to see people using their gifts and doing what God so obviously created them to do. Cathy not only entertained the congregation, but she led us into God's presence in worship of Him. She and her husband Trey have been friends with my wife since High School. I got to know them soon after I began dating my wife. Cathy sang at our wedding, and they both have been very dear friends of ours. I only regret that, as with a lot of my friends, I can't see them as often as I'd like.

I think of her music as contemporary southern gospel. Something like the Martins, I think. Anyway, she had me crying several times, with the personal testimony that she interspered between songs. Her sweet spirit really shined through. I told her afterwards that the only real constructive criticism I could give was that she really needs to use a little more cow bell. Maybe when her ministry gets big enough for her to hire an entire band, I can try out for it. I can play a mean cow bell. Almost as good as Gene Frenkle, I've been told.

All that aside, it was a great show, and Cathy and Trey are great people. Go check them out if they are ever in your area. Better yet, get with your pastor and book them! http://cathyperryministries.com/

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