07 April 2008


It just don't get any better than this. It rained the past few days and provided a prime opportunity for collecting amphibians. We picked up five toads and one Bullfrog. Could have filled a five gallon bucket, but I am not a man without mercy.

We defy Tonka, Hasbro, or any other toymaker to devise anything that can even come close to the fun inherent to the Bufo terrestris, aka Southern Toad. (Made by God as proof that He loves boys and wants them to be happy.)

That's what I'm talkin' about! Rana catesbiena, baby!


Anonymous said...

What fun!

Man, I need to get the boys outside more.

I sure miss critter hunting with you and Buck on the mens retreats. I know your boys will have similar memories.

Tracy said...

HOLD ON A MINUTE.... Hannah can hunt frogs with the best of them!!! Hannah loves any thing that breathes...those pictures are precious! Hannah loved them, she wants to come hunt with you guys!!!

Crotalus said...

Tracy, tell Hannah she is welcome anytime. We only have one rule, whoever catches the frog kisses the frog. Kind of like the old taking the bite out of the deer's heart ritual.

Mike, the best thing about having younguns is that sometimes we get to be kids again ourselves. Now get on outside and play!

Lynda Meyers said...

I know we've never been formally introduced, but I jumped here off your comment on The Master's Artist. Thanks for stopping by!

As I've read through your blog and looked at your pictures, I can almost feel the love you have for your sons. It's a beautiful thing. I love that you let them be "Wild at Heart" kind of boys. We've kept a cabin at a lake for years now and cherish the camping and fishing and sailing memories our boys have with their dad. Life wouldn't be life without them - or the memories!

So, I guess I just wanted to say "thanks"- for being a great dad. The world needs more of them. Your sons will grow up knowing they were loved fiercely, and that's really all it takes. The rest doesn't even need therapy...

Good luck with your writing journey!

Madison Richards

Anonymous said...

Madison, nice to meet you. Thanks for the kind words and for dropping by. The Master's Artist is one of my favorite sites; you guys do a great job over there. Drop by my humble blog more often, especially if you are going to say nice things about me. I'm going to hop over to your blog now and check it out.
