25 January 2009

The thing that should not be

No, this isn't about a Metallica song. It's about this disturbing fact: George Clinton is on this season of 'Gone Country' and is going to try to learn how to do country music.

Dude, you are the Godfather of Funk. You are George Doctor Funkenstein Clinton, better known as the Maggot Overlord of Parliament Funkadelic. You do not need to do country music. Not that I don't love country music. Some of it is very awesome. But this is like Pat Boone putting out a metal album. It's just a bad idea.

1 comment:

Cullen said...

Yeah, but they've also got Richard Greico (sp?, too lazy to look up) on there. WTF???

Perhaps Clinton needs all the work he can get. Most of his money went to drugs back in the day. Who knows where he's at right now?