08 January 2008

Southern Hospitality

Yes it is still very much alive and well. My family took a trip this past weekend back to our old hometown. My buddy Wunderkraut and his wife had us over to their house Saturday night for a cookout. It was wunderful to see them. They invited some of our other friends over as well, and we got to catch up on things. The Wunders are great people. They have a lot going on right now, what with their trip to China just around the corner. And still they showed us the epitome of Southern Hospitality.

On Sunday we got to attend their church with them and see even more old friends. http://www.iwellspring.org/ Our former pastor and his wife were there, and afterwards a group of us went out for lunch. Just to sit and talk with folks you love, but haven't seen in a while, is a wonderful thing. It makes me think of all the reunions that are going to be going on once we all get to heaven.

Thanks Mike and Jen for making our weekend so special.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are very welcome.

Stop by anytime. We are pretty laid back people.

And I haven't had the chance to say it, but thank you for your help with Mei.

You guys rock!