17 January 2008

Why I'm blogging

Wunderkraut has posted another killer ...uh... post, this time about blogging itself. (The kind of self-referentialism that I find vaguely cool.) He's been wondering where all the bloggers have gone. And says of blogger burnout:

That happened to me, but because I am a sentimental fool, I couldn’t quit blogging. So I changed my style. Now I write about my life, my job, my family, you know, boring stuff. But you know what? I don’t care. I enjoy writing. It soothes my jangled nerves. But I no longer do it in hopes of being a big name or of making a difference. Those that read me, like what I have to say, the other 280 some odd Google Image searchers per day just want my pictures.

So I asked myself, Why do I blog? Really for me it's very simple. I need some sort of creative outlet. I don't have the time for really in-depth writing right now. Or any means of painting. I could probably do some drawing, and maybe I will get back to that. But for me, right now, just the chance to sit down for a few minutes and pound out an opinion or two is a good outlet for creativity and expressing myself. Which is part of what creativity is: expression of oneself. Now let me end this post and put up at least one more with something that will almost resemble content.

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