27 August 2008

Budding photographer? or: Six year old hijacks camera, pictures to follow!

My six year old got control of the digital camera yesterday. After my wife realized this and took it from him, she discovered some amazing pictures on our camera. Here are a few, in the order they were taken:

Arch enemies, or mere Pez dispensers?

Hey, you Marvel scum! This is a DC shoot.

I'm Batman. I work alone!

This side, that side, forward, and back. Yep, got a shot of it all.

Way to go, buckaroo.


Mrs. Chief said...

This is great...it's a great learning tool also. Olivia loves the camera and we decided that we would get her an inexpensive on for christmas this year!!

Anonymous said...

Those are half bad.

Maybe you need to get him a cheap camera and see what he comes up with.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I meant to say "those aren't half bad".

Stupid mind.

Don't make me poke you with a pencil again.

Crotalus said...

We did the cheap camera during our last vacation. Bunch of crazy shots. I'm sure we'll do it again sometime, I think the boy does have the art gene. He comes up with some wonderfully colorful drawings.